- URL:https://<diagram-url>/getAggregations
- Version Introduced: 10.6
The getAggregations operation is performed on a Diagram resource. The result of this operation is an array of Diagram Aggregation JSON objects.
It returns all the diagram aggregations in the diagram resource.
The active portal account must be licensed with the ArcGIS Advanced Editing user type extension to use this operation.Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
gdbVersion | Description: The name of the geodatabase version. Syntax: gdbVersion=<version> Example: gdbVersion=ABV1 |
sessionId | Description: The token (guid) used to lock the version. Syntax: sessionId=<guid> Example: sessionId=44G259DE-87B0-407D-8F2E-DCB7665DD0F0 |
moment | Added in 10.7.1 Description: The session moment. Syntax: moment=<moment> Example: moment=1490867969324 |
f | Description: The response format. The default response format is html. Values: <html | json> |
Example usage
Retrieve all the aggregations in diagram SwitchingDiagram1 in version ABV1; that is:
- URL: https://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/Naperville/NetworkDiagramServer/diagrams/SwitchingDiagram1/getAggregations
- Parameters:
gdbVersion=ABV1 sessionId= f=pjson
- Sent URL (GET): https://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/Naperville/NetworkDiagramServer/diagrams/SwitchingDiagram1/getAggregations?gdbVersion=ABV1&sessionId=&f=pjson
JSON Response syntax
An array of <diagramAggregation> JSON objects
"diagramAggregations": [< diagramAggregation1 >, ..., < diagramAggregationN >]
With the following <diagramAggregation> JSON object syntax:
"id": < aggregationID >, // long
"assocSourceID": < assUNSourceID >, // long
"assocGlobalID": "< assUNfeatureGUID >", // string
"aggregationType": < "esriDiagramJunctionAggregation" | "esriDiagramEdgeAggregation" | "esriDiagramContainerAggregation" >
JSON Response example
"diagramAggregations": [
"id": 76,
"assocSourceID": 6,
"assocGlobalID": "{6F3DBE77-5CC7-4464-9B9E-C07780B83404}",
"aggregationType": "esriDiagramEdgeAggregation"
"id": 76,
"assocSourceID": 6,
"assocGlobalID": "{733D4FED-A588-47C3-AB67-EC1685F172F3}",
"aggregationType": "esriDiagramEdgeAggregation"
"id": 54,
"assocSourceID": 7,
"assocGlobalID": "{E9B1920E-2208-4C4F-A4ED-EBC0B6C4097E}",
"aggregationType": "esriDiagramJunctionAggregation"
"id": 108,
"assocSourceID": 7,
"assocGlobalID": "{BDCD6D28-D03B-4099-8F2E-DCB7665DD0F0}",
"aggregationType": "esriDiagramEdgeAggregation"