Name: Get Point on Nearest Sub-Block
Description: Get point on "DC Advanced Lenear Referencing System Route."
Usage: The "getPointOnSubBlock" operation returns point(s) on the nearest sub-blocks for corresponding route type. It accepts X and Y coordinates and a well-known ID (WKID), Route Type as "Street", "Service", "Ramp", "Alley", "Driveway" or "Trail" along with the search radius in METERS (maximum search radius is 200 METERS). If Route Type is "NOT" specified, it will return point(s) on the nearest sub-block regardless of sub-block type.
Input Parameters Description:
x : X-Coordinate
y : Y-Coordinate
inSR : Input Spatial Reference in WKID.
outSR : Output Spatial Reference in WKID.
Description: Targeted type of roadway. If left blank, targets all types.
options: (6)Street
Description: Include Roadway Section Events. Default value is false. Selecting true might slow the response time.
options: (2)
Description: Include Roadway Section Events. Default value is false. Selecting true might slow the response time.
options: (2)
searchRadius: Search radius from the input point. Maximum search radius is 200 (METERS).
Return Value Description:
routeId: Main Route Id of the intersection in DCALRS Roadway network
blockId: Corresponding Block Id. This is returned if Route Type is 'Street'.
blockKey: Unique block key
blockFaceKey: Unique block face key
subBlockId: Corresponding Sub Block Id
subBlockKey: Unique sub-block key
routeName: Route name of the main RouteId
routeType: Route type of the main RouteId
streetName: Street name
streetType: Street type
quadrant: Quadrant
measure: Returned point measure along the main RouteID (FEET)
measureInMeters: Returned point measure along the main RouteID (METERS)
offset: Distance between input and output points (FEET)
offsetInMeters: Distance between input and output points (METERS)
side: Side of roadway
directionality: Traffic directionality of the Route at the returned point
rotation: The angle that the output point should be rotated relative to the main route (DEGREES); mainly used for symbology
unitBlock: Unit block
geometry: Output point geometry on the Route.
tangentHorizontalAngle: The angle between tangent line and the X-axis (DEGREES)
tangentVerticalAngle: The angle between tangent line and the Y-axis (DEGREES)
tangetLine: Tangent line geometry on the main Route at the output point geometry
segmentations: Block information on the sub-block. Block information can be null.
roadwayAttributes: Default and lane route attributes on the returned point. lane attributes are returned if "includeSectionEvents" is true.